Version 2
Welcome to the NIST Multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock and Multiconfiguration
Dirac-Hartree-Fock Database.
The MCHF/MCDHF database contains collections of
transition data from different relativistic theories by different computational
methods. For a few collections the Landé gJ factor is provided. Data may be
obtained as follows: |
Selecting an element from the periodic table, then a spectrum, a
reference number, and a property of interest. This method displays all data
that is available for a selected atomic system. |
Structure Codes
Codes used in these calculations are
available for downloading: |
HF | Fortran95 Hartree-Fock program. |
ATSP | Atomic Structure Package (MCHF book version) |
ATSP2K | Large scale, non-relativistic multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock + Breit Pauli atomic structure package including MPI versions of some programs. |
GRASP2K | Large scale, multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock, general relativistic atomic structure package including MPI versions of some programs. |
    Online Hartree-Fock Java Applet.                        
Charlotte Froese Fischer |
Charlotte.F.Fischer@Vanderbilt.Edu, Charlotte.Fischer@Nist.Gov |
Georgio Tachiev | |
Online: 2009 - Last update: 09/15/2010